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The idea behind CBT is that our thoughts and behaviours influence each other. The premise is that, by changing the way we think or behave in a situation, we can change the way we feel about life. The therapy examines learnt behaviours, habits and negative thought patterns with the view of adapting and turning them into realistic and compassionate alternatives.


Compassion-focused therapy looks at evolution theory and how this affects the way we think. Essentially, us humans have two parts to our brains. The primitive or ‘old’ part helps us survive. It ensures we have food, shelter, are loved and are safe. This part is also responsible for the fight, flight or freeze stress response. It tends to be here where problems like anxiety, and even sadness stem from.


Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is a behaviourally orientated therapeutic approach that aims to modify how a person relates and responds to their internal experiences (i.e., thoughts, emotions, physical sensations and urges) in order to more fully engage in values-based behaviours.


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia focuses on exploring the connection between the way we think, the things we do and how we sleep. Treatment helps to identify thoughts, feelings and behaviour that are contributing to the symptoms of poor sleep.


Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is specifically adapted for treatment of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and mood disorders. The treatment aims for the individual to understand, gradually address the impacts of trauma, to achieve stabilisation, processing, integration and consolidation. Through a method which gradually supports narration and various collaborated techniques like collaborated exposure therapy and image rescripting events can be updated into the past.


Metacognitive therapy (MCT) is a type of psychotherapy that aims to change how people think about their thoughts, feelings and behaviours. It helps people reduce unhelpful thinking patterns, such as worry and rumination and challenge negative beliefs about themsleves and their situations.

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